Longitudinal profile:

It involves the execution of an uplift along the route, the points scored in the track center line communication (existing or projected), aiming to ensure the required accuracy for both design studies and for the execution phase of the communication path. The final product of this operation is the longitudinal profile of the route, as usual scales 1:1000 for distance and 1:100 odds.

Plan longitudinal


Transversal profile:

Transverse profiles runs deletion method, planimetric and altimetric lifting the details (geometric leveling), the direction perpendicular to the axis of the communication path, starting from the characteristic points marked on the ground, in the center of the track, which are found in longitudinal profile.

The raising work of transverse profiles runs concurrently with the work of raising the longitudinal profile.

Both longitudinal profile and transverse profile, completed plan includes a staff of attributes of the points contained in the profile (identification number, dimensions, distances, meaning, etc.).

Plan transversal

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