After signing the contract with ANCPI (National Agency for Cadastre and Land), the consortium S.C. THEOTOP S.R.L. (leader), S.C. Blom Romania S.R.L., S.C. Cornel&Cornel Topoexim S.R.L., S.C. Geoter Proiect S.R.L. perform works to implement general cadastre in the administrative units. The benefits of general cadastre for the citizens are:
Estimated area of the administrative unit (Ha)
Estimated unincorporated area (Ha)
Estimated built-up area (Ha)
Estimated number of immovable with collection
Estimated number of immovable in urban area
Number of inhabitants
Number of villages
After the notification of the citizens by placing posters and sharing brochures through local opinion makers, we held the information meetings that were aimed to know the benefits of this project. Posters were placed in the UAT (Territorial Administrative Unit) Orbeasca distributed in all component villages, in high visibility range (town hall, police, schools, pharmacy, clinic, shops, cultural centers, on poles, fences, trees, etc.). Those places were inspected later by officers from the provider. Distributing the brochures took place over the entire surface of the settlements (built-up area) without parting omissions.
Their debut took place in August 2012 in UAT Orbeasca, Orbeasca de Sus village, Orbeasca de Jos village and Lăceni village. We opened two fixed collecting information and documents, so far realizing a significant number of legalizations.
Field work began with the recognition of land after an analysis of documents make available from the provider by OCPI (Cadastre and Land Registration Office) Teleorman, meassurements starting in August in UAT Orbeasca.
Source: Mara Newspaper - Prin proiectul CESAR, cinci comune teleormănene şi-au cadastrat terenurile gratuit
Source: - Cinci localitati rurale sunt cuprinse in proiectul de cadastru CESAR
Source: - Cinci comune teleormănene și-au cadastrat terenurile gratuit prin proiectul CESAR
Source: ANCPI - A început înregistrarea sistematică a proprietăților