The integrated cadastre and land registry that contains technical, economic and legal buildings records, from the same administrative unit: commune, town or municipality.
The following immovable property rights can be tabulated in the land registry: ownership and its dismemberments, real rights corresponding to public property rights, real warranty rights. Registration shall be made only on the basis of authentic document signed by a notary public notary office, in Romania, of a final judgment or final where applicable, a certificate of inheritance or an administrative act, as provided by law, has the effect of the creation, modification, transmission or extinction of a right in rem subject to entry in the land register. Cadastral documentation prepared on request in order to enter in the cadastre and land registry records can be:

  • Documentation for the first entry in the integrated cadastre and land registry;
  • Cadastral documentation for updating information of properties included in the integrated cadastre and land registry:
      • registration/cancelation construction;
      • boundary change;
      • surface modification;
      • update categories of use/purpose for part of property;
      • repositioning;
      • identify the part of the building affected by dismemberments property rights where these rights are formed only on one side of the building;
      • updating other information about the property.
  • documentaţie de identificare a amplasamentului imobilului situat pe alt UAT decât cel în evidenţa căruia a fost înregistrat în cartea funciară;
  • documentation prepared for the attribution cadastral number, without land registration;
  • land attachment/detachment documentation;
  • documentation for the first registration;
  • documentaţie for apartment building division;
  • UI detachment documentation;
  • documentation in order to reconstruct lost, destroyed or stolen land registration.

Types of properties requiring technical documentation and registration in the Land Registry:

    • All properties that don't have assigned a cadastral number and wasn't entered in the Land Registry;
    • Forests;
    • Rivers;
    • Roads;
    • Railroads;
    • Apartments;
    • Properties located in unincorporated territorial administrative unit;
    • Properties with or without buildings located in the territorial administrative unit.

Required documents:

    • Title deed or Order of the Prefect - certified copy;
    • Sale-Purchase documentation - certified copy;
    • Succesion certificate- certified copy;
    • Donation certificate - certified copy;
    • Civil sentence - certified copy;
    • Tax Certificate (issued by the town hall which is located across the land). It is available in the month is issued and must be within the validity period when the file is submitted to the Office of Cadastre and Land;
    • Plot plan issued and stamped by the municipality, in the event that there is no parcelar lot, the cadastre will be marked "uncertain location" under a notarised statement by the owner that understands and agrees with the immovable situation;
    • Copy of the owners ID.
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